Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 100...

100 days... I have taken a least one photo a day everyday for the last 100 days...
When I started this project I wanted to do it, I hoped I could do it but part of me did wonder if I could do it.
Now 100 days in, I am loving every day and every chance to take a photo and one of the things that keeps me motivated is the support and comments that I recieve on this site and from wonderful friends on Facebook so to everyone who takes the time to look at my photos... thank you


  1. Congratulations on 100 days- I've been following along on Google Reader and have enjoyed your work. Looking forward to the rest of your project365

  2. Thanks Hubman... It has been a challenge but I am loving it, Autumn has arrived here and so the days are getting shorter and colder, winter is going to be interesting and I can see a lot of indoor shots
