Saturday, April 30, 2016

365 project 3.1 30-04-16

Some see a weed and some see a wish

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/4,
Exposure: 1/1250,
ISO 250,
Focal length: 70mm


Friday, April 29, 2016

365 project 3.1 29-04-16... a little flower

Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
Hans Christian Andersen

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/2500,
ISO 500,
Focal length: 70mm

Thursday, April 28, 2016

365 project 3.1 28-04-16... remember

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/5,
Exposure: 1/200,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 70mm


365 project 3.1 27-04-16... changing

A living tree is a changing, sleeve shape, a wet, thin, bright green creature that survives in the thin layer between heartwood and bark. It stands waiting for light, which it catches in the close-woven sieves of its leaves.
Alice Oswald

Week 18 Artistic: Texture
The artistic inspiration this week is texture. You should almost be able to feel the image.

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/160,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 44mm


365 project 3.1 21-04-16... thought of you

I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, from which I'll never part. God has you in His arms. I have you in my heart.

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/800,
ISO 400,
Focal length: 45mm

365 project 3.1 20-04-16... delight

To such an extent does nature delight and abound in variety that among her trees there is not one plant to be found which is exactly like another; and not only among the plants, but among the boughs, the leaves and the fruits, you will not find one which is exactly similar to another.
Leonardo da Vinci

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/40,
ISO 640,
Focal length: 70mm

365 project 3.1 16-04-16... do good

We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne.
Marcus Aurelius

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/4.5,
Exposure: 1/200,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 65mm

365 project 3.1 14-04-16... Tiffany & Co

Who said red is the colour of love?
Tiffany & Co

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/25,
ISO 400,
Focal length: 70mm

365 project 3.1 13-04-16... urban beauty

 A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.
William Hazlitt

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/100,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 70mm

The city is a fact in nature, like a cave, a run of mackerel or an ant-heap. But it is also a conscious work of art, and it holds within its communal framework many simpler and more personal forms of art. Mind takes form in the city; and in turn, urban forms condition mind.

Lewis Mumford

Week 17
Landscape: Urbanscape
Most Landscapes are wide open spaces of natural beauty... this week find the beauty of the urbanscape/cityscape.
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/3.2,
Exposure: 1/40,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 35mm


365 project 3.1 11-01-16... nature

Every particular in nature, a leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/3.2,
Exposure: 1/80,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 70mm

365 project 3.1 10-04-16... loneliness

There's a special quality to the loneliness of dusk, a melancholy more brooding even than the night's.”
― Ed Gorman, Everybody's Somebody's Fool

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/30,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 24mm

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

365 project 3.1 09-04-16... grow

I feel that as long as you're honest, you have the opportunity to grow. It's when you shut down, go into denial, and try to start hiding things from yourself and others, that's when you lock in certain behaviors and attitudes that keep you stuck.
Tracy McMillan

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/3.2,
Exposure: 1/100,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 70mm


365 project 3.1 080416... knelt

“The rain to the wind said,
You push and I'll pelt.'
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged--though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.”
 Robert Frost

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/4.5,
Exposure: 1/15,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 70mm


365 project 3.1 07-04-16... visual art

Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.
Julia Morgan

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/30,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 50mm
Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves. Julia Morgan
Read more at:

365 project 3.1 06-04-16... tv

Watching TV is companionable: you share an experience, you can comment on the action here and there for a bit of conversation... it's a way of showing someone that you want his or her company and engaging in a low-key, pleasant, undemanding way.
Gretchen Rubin

One of my favourite shows returned tonight... Gogglebox, watching people watching tv.

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/10,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 45mm

365 project 3.1 05-04-16... Glebe

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. 
Albert Einstein 

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/80,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 70mm

 "This is my hand.
My hand will do
A thousand loving things for you
And you will remember
When I am tall...
That once my hand
Was just this small."

 Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/125,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 53mm

 “Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.”
Chad Sugg

 Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/125,
ISO 100,
Focal length: 24mm

Read more at:

365 project 3.1 040416... loving heart

Of all the music that reached farthest into heaven, it is the beating of a loving heart.
Henry Ward Beecher

Week 13
Portrait: High Key
Expose to the right and create a light, airy high key portrait.

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/15
ISO 100,
Focal length: 50mm


Monday, April 4, 2016

365 project 3.1 03-04-16 ... under the sea

Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you looking for

Under the sea, under the sea
Darlin’ it’s better
Down where it’s wetter,
Take it from me

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III,
F-stop: f/2.8,
Exposure: 1/50
ISO 5000,
Focal length: 24mm


on the road